PPR in Child Custody Determinations – What it Means and Why it Matters
In shared parenting child custody situations, the divorce and family law courts talk about the “PPR” and ”PAR.” What do these acronyms mean and why do they matter?
PPR means “parent of primary residence.” PAR means “parent of alternate residence.” The PPR is the parent with whom the child lives during the majority of an average week. If the parents split parenting time equally, then the PPR generally is the parent who lives in the child’s school district.
New Jersey uses different formulas to determine child support amounts based on whether one parent has the majority of the parenting time or whether parenting time is shared more equally. The more equally the split of parenting time, the lower the child support is likely to be – unless the incomes of the two parents are markedly different.
More information about the divorce process, including how divorce judges make child custody determinations, is available in Divorce in New Jersey – A Self-Help Guide published online by Legal Services of New Jersey.
Child Custody Questions? Contact the Law Office of Lyons & Associates
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