New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: Divorce Rates By Job
Does the type of job you have make it more likely that you will end up divorced? Well, according to a study at Radford University, that might be the case.
The study found that some professions do in fact have a higher rate of divorce than others. And although some critics of the study have complained that it does not take into account all types of divorces, the preliminary findings are interesting. The study found that these 15 professions have the highest rates of divorce:
Profession Divorce Rate
Dancer/Choreography 43.05%
Bartender 38.43%
Massage Therapist 38.22%
Gaming Cage Worker 34.66%
Extruding Machine Operator 32.74%
Gaming Service Worker 31.35%
Factory Worker: Food & Tobacco 29.78%
Telephone Operator 29.30%
Nursing, Psychiatric, Health Aid 28.95%
Entertainer/Athlete 28.49%
Baggage Porter, Concierge 28.49%
Telemarketer 28.10%
Waiter/Waitress 27.12%
Roofer 26.85%
Maid/Housekeeper 26.38%
More information about the study can be found at
Contact the Experienced Family Law Lawyers at Lyons & Associates Today
If you or someone you know has questions about divorce or any other family law issue, then call one of the skilled attorneys at Lyons & Associates at 908-575-9777for a consultation today. You can also fill out our online intake form.
Written By: Theresa A. Lyons