How Can You Celebrate Valentine’s Day if You Are Newly Divorced?

Traditionally, Valentine’s Day is a time for couples to celebrate their love with cards, gifts, and romantic dates. However, for someone who is recently divorced, this holiday can be difficult. Fortunately, you can still have fun on Valentine’s Day when you are newly single, and there are many ways to celebrate the holiday.
Here are some creative ways to celebrate love and have a fun and festive Valentine’s Day after divorce.
Have Fun With Your Child
If you have a child and have custody of them on Valentine’s Day, you can celebrate with them by doing child-friendly activities. Depending on your child’s age and interests, you could plan some holiday crafts or bake cookies or cupcakes to have fun that day.
Help your child make and address Valentine’s cards to deliver to friends and neighbors. Plan a Valentine’s Day movie night with age-appropriate flicks and snacks, such as popcorn and candy.
Celebrate With Single Friends
Most likely, you are not the only single person in your social circle. You can consider getting together with friends and coworkers who are single as well. With your friends, you can check out a movie, go to dinner, or visit a local museum. You are less likely to feel lonely or reminisce about past Valentine’s Days spent with your ex-spouse if you make plans with other single friends to distract you.
Give Back to the Community
It is natural to want to mourn your previous married life on Valentine’s Day, especially if you are recently divorced. However, serving others is one way to channel your energy in a positive way. Find a community service project in your area and make a plan to volunteer on Valentine’s Day.
Giving back to your community can remind you of what is really important in life and how good it feels to help those in need. To find a volunteer opportunity near you, you can research online or ask friends and family.
Host a Party
If you feel up for it, consider hosting your own Valentine’s Day party. Fun decorations, festive music, and delicious snacks can take your mind off your ex-spouse and divorce. If you are newly divorced and starting all over, budget may be a concern. Fortunately, you do not have to spend a lot of money to host a fun event. You could ask guests to bring a snack or a dish. Potluck dinners are a great way to ease your workload while offering a wide variety of foods to guests.
You can also pare down the menu to a few appetizers and a signature drink. Valentine’s Day is known for sweets and treats, so you could host a dessert party where everyone prepares and brings their favorite baked goods.
Plan a Getaway
If you have just gone through a divorce and you are dreading Valentine’s Day this year, a last-minute getaway might be in order. Ask a friend or family member to join you on your journey. Even if you only get away for a few days, you will come back feeling refreshed and ready to face Valentine’s Day with confidence.
Do Not Fixate on Romantic Love
If it has been a long time since you were last single, you may need time to adjust to your newfound independence. Try to avoid focusing on love and dating at the moment, even if it is Valentine’s Day. Divorce is a major life change, and you need time to adjust. If you jump into a new relationship right away or believe you need a partner to be happy, you might be doing yourself a disservice.
Take time to get to know yourself as a single person. Discover your interests and hobbies and your life as a single person. If you do the healing work now, you can be and attract a better partner in the future.
Do Not Contact Your Ex-Spouse
Unless you have to communicate with your ex-spouse about the children or some other critical matter, avoid calling or texting them on Valentine’s Day. Even if you were amicable about the divorce, try to avoid revisiting the past, it is best to try to focus on your new life. If you call and find out your ex-spouse is on a date or has a new partner, you will end up feeling worse.
If you are worried you will give in and contact your ex-partner, make plans with a friend or plan one of the other activities mentioned above. If you are celebrating at dinner, a party, or on vacation, you will not be as tempted to revisit the past.
Remember That it Is Okay to Be Single
Valentine’s Day is one of the most heavily-marketed holidays of the calendar year. There is a lot of pressure to buy expensive gifts and plan elaborate dates. However, you do not have to celebrate the holiday this way.
Valentine’s Day is just another day of the week, and you can treat it as such. Do not succumb to the idea that you have to be involved in romance. Some people find comfort and peace in their own company. You can distract yourself by curling up in bed with a good book. You can order take-out from your favorite restaurant, or you can listen to music or a podcast.
There is no right or wrong way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. You should do what feels right for you.
Practice Self-Care
Valentine’s Day is a day for love, but it is also a time for self-care. You can use the occasion as a chance to slow down, recharge, and focus on you. Divorce is taxing. If you have not had a chance to pamper yourself, Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to start.
Self-care is more than a spa day. It is the practice of nurturing your physical, spiritual, and emotional needs every day. It starts with small steps, like getting more sleep, eating fresh, healthy foods, and cutting back on screen time. This Valentine’s Day, plan activities that bring you joy and that are good for your physical, spiritual, and emotional health.
You should commit to better self-care on Valentine’s Day, but you should continue this routine after the holiday ends. Make these practices part of your regular routine to look and feel your best and help navigate the emotions that come with post-divorce life.
Are You Contemplating Divorce?
For some married couples, Valentine’s Day is a reminder of the love they share, but some spouses may feel differently. If you are considering divorce but do not know where to start, legal help is available. The first step is to consult a trusted divorce lawyer near you. Many firms offer free initial consultations for new clients.
During that first meeting, you can explain your situation and why you want a divorce. Your lawyer will explain how the divorce process in New Jersey works and will briefly explain your legal options. After that first meeting, you will feel more empowered to make informed decisions.
If you do choose to divorce, remember that Valentine’s Day does not have to be disheartening. You can celebrate the holiday in many different ways. Instead, think of your first Valentine’s Day after divorce as a chance to celebrate the love you have for friends, family, and yourself.
Morristown Divorce Lawyers at Lyons & Associates, P.C. Represent Clients Seeking Divorce This Valentine’s Day
If you have considered divorce but have questions about how it will impact your family and your future, our Morristown divorce lawyers at Lyons & Associates, P.C. can help. Our legal team has the skills and experience to resolve complex divorce matters. Call us at 908-575-9777 or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation today. Located in Morristown and Somerville, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout Somerset, Woodbridge, Morristown, Parsippany, Rockaway, Short Hills, Chatham, Randolph, Madison, and Morris Plains.