OurFamilyWizard and Co-Parenting
By Jake Jenkinson
There are numerous issues that can arise for divorced parents who have difficulty communicating and/or working together after their divorce. Unfortunately, in transitioning from former spouses to co-parents, many of the same issues that led to the divorce may continue to impede the ability to maintain a positive co-parenting relationship. This is because co-parenting inherently requires regular communication, cohesiveness, and flexibility to address all of the issues and decisions that arise when raising a child. Fortunately, there are resources that can serve to assist co-parents who are unable to manage amicable and non-confrontational direct communication.
OurFamilyWizard is a website which assists co-parents with communication, scheduling, and providing a centralized place for all child-related information. Through OurFamilyWizard, co-parents are able to work together more efficiently and effectively, which will hopefully lead to less stress and tension between the parents.
Scheduling through OurFamilyWizard allows parents to track their parenting schedules, make child-related appointments, and create custom holiday parenting time schedules. Co-parents can use the site to communicate a parenting time change or pick up change. There is also a “Tone Meter” which monitors communications between the parents and flags any messages that appear to contain emotionally charged language before the message is sent.
OurFamilyWizard also allows parents to keep expense logs which allows for tracking shared expenses, transmitting receipts, and maintaining records of payment histories. Parents can even use the site to pay each other for his or her portion of child-related expenses.
Finally, OurFamilyWizard has an info bank which stores any information about their child. Either Co-parent may add to the information bank and information that may be added includes insurance information, emergency contacts, school schedules, medical histories, files and anything that may be relevant that can be added in the information bank.
Going through a divorce can be a difficult and traumatic process for both the parents and children involved. Using resources like OurFamilyWizard can help to make co-parenting easier when parents have a particularly difficult direct relationship. If you or anyone you know is struggling with any kind of divorce or post-divorce issue, please contact one of the attorneys at Lyons & Associates, P.C. We place a premium on personalized attention for your personal matters and pride ourselves on giving the appropriate guidance and information no matter how obscure the subject matter may be. For a private consultation, contact us by e-mail or call our office at 908-575-9777.