Domestic Violence Cases and Related Criminal Charges
Relationships can be difficult. Sometimes, people in an emotional state say and do things they seriously regret or may not have intended. When responding police officers are called to the scene of an alleged domestic dispute to observe signs of physical injury, the officers are obligated to file assault charges and to advise the alleged injured party of the right to file for a temporary restraining order (“TRO”). The filing of a TRO is only the beginning of the journey into the court system. Once a TRO is entered, a court date will be set on short notice to determine if a final restraining order should be entered.
Restraining orders and related criminal charges have serious implications beyond simply providing an enforceable basis to bar future contact. Such orders can impact visitation of one’s children, custody of one’s children, and can result in the seizure and possible forfeiture of lawfully owned firearms. Restraining orders and related criminal charges may affect one’s immigration status. For United States citizens, a restraining order and/or criminal conviction will likely create problems when one leaves the country. Upon re-entry to the United States, an order and/or criminal conviction will likely result in temporary detention and questioning at customs. Such orders may impact one’s professional license or employment.
It is also not uncommon for a domestic dispute to result in both the filing of criminal charges and a TRO. When there are both criminal charges and applications for a restraining order, the parties find themselves in two different court proceedings: Family court and criminal court. Litigation of family or relationship disputes can be both emotionally and economically difficult for the parties involved.
There are times when restraining orders are absolutely necessary to protect a target of abuse. There are also times when such orders and related criminal charges can be unnecessary and destructive to a family, to a relationship, to employment, and one’s professional license.
Lyons & Associates, P.C. has attorneys with the experience to handle related criminal law charges, as well as the collateral economic issues that arise out of disputes including civil litigation, visitation, custody, support, and estate planning issues. Regardless of whether one is the target of domestic violence, or a defendant in a family law or criminal proceeding, it is critical to consult with counsel at the earliest possible time.
Our New Jersey criminal defense lawyers at Lyons & Associates, P.C. will vigorously defend those rights and ensure that you get a fair trial and the outcome that you deserve. To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, call us at 908-575-9777 or contact us online.