What To Include in a Marital Settlement Agreement
A marital settlement agreement (MSA) is the comprehensive written document that contains the entire agreement between your spouse and you regarding all of the issues in your New Jersey divorce.
By: David F. Salvaggio, Esq.
What is a Postnuptial Agreement?
A postnuptial agreement is an agreement that a couple has entered into after they have been married. This type of agreement typically addresses the resolution and potential division of their financial affairs and assets should the couple divorce.
Prenuptial Agreements 101
Newly engaged individuals often wonder whether a prenuptial agreement is necessary or appropriate for them. Truly, anyone who is interested in entering into a prenuptial agreement should consider one. It …
Should I Get a Prenup?
Should I Get a Prenup? 3 Ways to Decide If you are planning on marrying the love of your life, you may be considering whether a prenup, or prenuptial agreement, …
Legislation Regarding Marriage by Minors
Marriage by minors has been in the news recently as some states introduced legislation aimed at prohibiting child marriage. Until now in New York, minors as young as 14 were …
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: Taxability of Pendente Lite Support
The Devil is in the Details A very common and valid concern that many women have after the Complaint for Divorce is filed is how, as the lower earning spouse, …
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: What If My Ex-Spouse Refuses to Comply With Prior Court Order or Our Divorce Agreement?
Sometimes people are forced to go back to Court more than once to try to get an Order reinforced. When a party files an application with a court seeking certain …
When is it Appropriate to File an Emergency Application, Also Called Order to Show Cause?
There are two types of temporary applications in family court: emergent and non-emergent. A non-emergent motion is an application that can be made in Family Court in which the applicant …
Woodbridge Family Law Firm: Changes to Catholic Annulment
Pope Francis’ Changes to Catholic Annulment There are big changes happening in the Catholic Church! Pope Francis has decided to change the annulment process for Catholics. Previously, the Code of …
Princeton TV to Feature Local Expert on Ashley Madison Hack
Princeton TV to Feature Local Experton Ashley Madison Hack 4 Different Times to Catch the Show we2me®- Divorce Décor hosts N.J. Social Worker and Matrimonial Lawyer to Provide Tips to …
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