Woodbridge Divorce Litigation Lawyers discuss If Getting a Divorce, is a Short Sale Right For You?
Divorce Litigation Lawyers in Somerville, New Jersey In New Jersey, especially, it is hard enough to makes ends meet for one household, but try to do it for two households …
Woodbridge Divorce Lawyers Discuss Civil Annulment vs. Catholic Annulment
As an attorney I am often asked “What’s the difference between an annulment in court and a Catholic annulment? Aren’t they the same thing?” No, they are not. An annulment …
Filing for Divorce When Your Spouse is Mentally Ill
At Lyons & Associates, the firm’s managing partner is not just a lawyer, but also has a master’s degree in social work. That makes Lyons & Associates particularly equipped to …
Woodbridge Family Law Firm: In the Middle of a Divorce – Do I Have to File a Tax Return Jointly With My Spouse?
Typically, before engaging in the divorce process, a married couple files tax returns “married filing jointly.” Other times, the married couple may, after seeking advice from an accountant, determine it …
New York Brothers Up to No Good in NJ Divorce Case
The brothers, 34-year-old Avrohom Goldstein and his 31-year-old brother Moshe, were not leading anyone to the Promised Land with their capers. Rather, they were heading down the road to extortion, …
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: Is it Illegal to Record my Telephone Conversations with my Estranged Spouse in New Jersey
Clients often ask whether they are able to legally record their telephone conversations with their estranged spouses. Obtaining recordings of statements from an estranged spouse can often be helpful in …
Woodbridge Family Law Lawyers: Financial Restraining Orders in New Jersey Divorce Cases
Preserving the Financial Status Quo During a Divorce Proceeding In most marriages, and in most divorce proceedings, one spouse has more access to and information about the marital assets and …
Somerville Family Law Lawyers: Same – Sex Marriages Begin in New Jersey – the 14th State to Recognize Such Unions
New Jersey is the 14th state to recognize same-sex marriages. The New Jersey Supreme Court denied the state’s request to temporarily prevent such marriages. Although Governor Chris Christie’s administration appealed …
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: Vegas Style Wedding Here in NJ??
Everyone knows you can get married instantaneously in Las Vegas, but what is the wait time to get married here in New Jersey, and what should you do if you …
16 Important Questions to Ask Before You Hire a New Jersey Divorce Lawyer
If you are interviewing divorce lawyers, your impressions of the attorney’s personality are just as important as the answers to these questions. In some ways, selecting a divorce attorney is …
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