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Category: Child Support

What Happens to Child Support Arrearages When the Payee Dies?

A New Jersey appeals court has held that child support payments past due at the time of a recipient’s death belong to the estate of the decedent, not to an …

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What is the Difference Between the Parent of Primary Residence (PPR) and the Parent of Alternate Residence (PAR)?

There is a big difference between the Parent of Primary Residence (PPR) and the Parent of Alternate Residence (PAR), but before one can truly understand those differences, there first should …

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New Jersey Child Support Lawyers: ‘I Think My Husband Quit His Job to Avoid Child Support’

You have learned that your husband quit his job, and you are worried about child support payments.  You are not alone.  This is a common problem faced by divorced women …

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Summer Parenting Time and Vacation for Divorced Parents

We are in the heat of summer, literally and figuratively, and divorced parents are in the midst of coordinating parenting time schedules and summer vacations, along with their children’s summer …

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Consider Hiring an Employability Expert In a Child Support Case

In New Jersey, child support awards are based on a calculation that considers each parent’s income and the amount of parenting responsibility each parent has for the child or children. …

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How Much Money Before a Bench Warrant Issues for Child Support Arrears?

When will a Bench Warrant issue for child support arrears? This is a question often worried about by a payor that is in over his head financially and behind in …

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PPR in Child Custody Determinations – What it Means and Why it Matters

In shared parenting child custody situations, the divorce and family law courts talk about the “PPR” and ”PAR.” What do these acronyms mean and why do they matter? PPR means …

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The Division of Child Protection and Permanency (formerly known as DYFS) Has Contacted You. What Should You Do?

Divorce and Family Law Legal Help in Somerville, New Jersey When the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) notifies you that it is investigating the welfare of your child …

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